Originally Posted by threeseventy
Hmm.. Did someone get RE-11's For Xmas? I hope you went wider than stock... You have too much power for the stock rear width IMHO. Maybe some 305's  with a future remount on wider wheels?  GLWS
Originally Posted by Triple's
What sizes did you go with Christian?
Congrats on the tires
Haha, thanks Trips and Steve. I went with 265s in the front and 285s in the rear, I can barely get them to break lose even power shifting from 1st to 2nd. They are flat out awesome, leaps and bounds over the RE050s.
I need these gone, price drop to $200 picked up. This is firm.
-320whp / 259wftlbs-
SP Rays -- RE-11s -- SpecialtyZ Tune -- Swift Springs -- Stillen 25R Oil Cooler -- Stillen G3 Intakes -- Berk HFCs -- F.I. 12" CBE -- Stillen Sway Bars -- Es14 Spring -- INGS+1 lip -- CF Spoiler -- GTR Start Button -- VLED Parking Lights -- PWJDM V2 shift knob
Last edited by christian370z; 01-08-2012 at 07:43 PM.