Originally Posted by travisjb
Given I have very little experience with firearms, yeah, would probably being mostly for plinking and target practice... I'm not at all into SHTF scenarios, but the idea of being at least a little bit prepared doesn't hurt
I'd start with just the pistol
Go ahead and look for a 9mm that you like. 9mm is cheap to shoot (about $10-11 per 50 rounds of practice ammo) and is an adequate defensive caliber with quality defensive ammo.
Unfortunately there are gobs of options out there, so you'll have to look around and see what you like the best. It's possible you might be able to sign up for some introductory pistol classes at your local range that will allow you to shoot their stuff. Most ranges will rent pistols too, so you can test some different models before you commit to buy.
Some common models (that I can remember) that I would put on your list to check out include:
Glock 17 (full size frame)
Glock 19 (compact frame -- still allows for a full grip)
Springfield XD (compact and full-size frames)
Walther P99C and P99
HK P2000
HK USP 9mm and USP 9mm Compact
I'm sure others will chime in with some recommendations, but that's where I'd start.