Originally Posted by roplusbee
Oh yeah! That is what I am hoping for as well.
If you are worried about warranty claims, you should just wait until you have 36k on the clock. Then you can mod away and not be worried anymore. I just said bump it and started the process. I am coming up on 3yrs and the milage, so it doesn't really matter anymore for me. Greddy TT for the win!
/\ I think the OP has a 100K warrantee, that's a really long time to wait.
Originally Posted by ImportConvert
I'd say leave it alone. If you want more power, buy a GT-R, Viper, Z06, GT500, etc. etc. etc.
Any time you add significantly more power than the car came with from the factory, you can double that cost to balance it, easily. New suspension, brakes, driveline bits, or replacements when they go, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
Buying the car you want is easier/cheaper in the long run than building the one you want from an existing car that wasn't designed to be what you want in the first place.
/\ 100% true and great advice, bolt ons and n/a mods are one thing, doubling whp with FI is a whole other ball of wax.