^ They're fine on rotors, but I think whether XP8's noise level is good for you is gonna be pretty subjective and subject to conditions. I don't think there's any way around it, I've never heard of a good track pad that wasn't noisy cold and/or under street conditions.
My personal experience with the XP8 was that as long as it was *mostly* driven in track-like conditions and kept bedded properly, it was pretty damn quiet. But when you drive them for an extended period (weeks, months) of street driving, over time they get increasingly noisy. At one point my fronts were so loud I was cringing every time I had to come to a light stop at a stoplight.
I think a contributing factor was that it's winter (so they're even colder) and that when daily-driving on the street, I put a high emphasis on not using my brakes much. I prefer to predict and downshift and come to slow stops in general, it's just less wear on everything involved, and less concern about relying on a fallible brake system being the only thing between me and plowing into some soccer mom's minivan at high speed.
I think if you track more often, and/or the weather's warmer, and/or your hard enough on your brakes on the street to get them nice and hot regularly, and/or you don't care so much about noise, you could run the XP8's on the street. But I decided not to, and now I'm swapping in their Bobcat series on the same rotors for street use.