Originally Posted by Alchemy
Yeah, my knob has zero imperfections. Def a bit cold in the morn, onzedge.

Originally Posted by onzedge
I do not think that stainless steel needs to be treated, but I am a layman and only know enough about machining to make me dangerous. I would ask the PWJDM guys.
12F today? Shrinkage weather.
yah i dont think so either as exhaust flanges are welded and stuff and i dont recall seeing process to be treated. but not sure which T-stainless used.
shrinkage indeed.
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Basically the same temp here (-13°C without the windchill) Although just looking outside you would think its a beautiful spring day until you open the garage door and that winter wind smacks you square in the face back to reality.
hahahaha, yah, beautiful warm looking day = COLD!