Originally Posted by kenchan
let's go bog our engines while cold.  you drive a AT or something?
just drive it normally. i rev 1st gear lightly up to 3.5k as usual but dont mash the pedal. the bigger issue is how much load you're forcing the engine to push while cold i thinks. 
Here is spearfish's video:
And his comments:
Originally Posted by spearfish25 from thread "DIY: Oil Pressure Gauge"
Various people have recommended to me over the years to never rev the engine over 2k RPM until the oil warms up. I now know why. Oil pressures will top 100psi when the oil is cold. By the time the oil hits 180F, it's less viscous and flows more easily...you'll have lower oil pressures. No wonder why some guys probably blew their oil cooler lines!