just came home.... had the worst drive home

took out the zed today and going home a stupid chick in a scion xb switched lanes without checking her blind spot almost annihilated my front end... after that some dumb f!ck in a 7 series bmw a silver one to be exact with plates that say SGP1 or SG1 i cant remember i was still angry at the girl that almost hit me... so im there minding my own business and then this fool is playing reggae music in his bmw windows down... and im playing my own music... its not my fault my speakers are louder than his german piece of sh!t then light turns green... and i roll off... i usually ride my gears till 3,500 rpm

and it gets pretty loud i guess i didnt floor it then all of a sudden this mofo floors it and cuts me off... of course i slow down cuz i dont wanna destroy my front end and hit his stupid car... and he keeps going keep in mind there is so much traffic on both sides... i wont lie i down shifted and floored it....

and tailed his bumper and passed him... stupid dumb *** i hate bmw's just cause they cost so much people who drive them think they own you... just venting guys sorry