hey 370zforum ppl

OMG my mid pipes are rattling again and this is the third time!!

somehow, my mid pipes were hitting the cross member metal thingy really hard so I had to do something. (I have an aftermarket exhaust) First, I put this really thick hard rubber inbetween them and it started to melt. (never expected that to be melted) Second, I used something else and can't remember lol. Third, I used a fist wrap to wrap around the spot and used the hose clamps to tightened them up. It went WELL til now, it's rattling so crazy that my car literally sounds like a sh$t box. I'm not sure if the wraps were gone or loosen, I'm going to check soon. but before that! I want you guys to recommend me some good solution to it! (I don't want to buy a heat wrap, it's waste of money) I was thinking like maybe leather belt? or possibly microfiber cloth that I use to clean my car?? I don't know which material should I use. It doesn't have to be wraped around, something that can resist to heat well and fit inbetween the mid pipe and the cross member. (about .3inch??) Thanks!