Originally Posted by FL 4Motion
Hey Mike, welcome aboard man.
OZOC (orlando Z owners club) will be starting up our meets again at the end of Jan so keep an eye out in the FL section here, the dates/times/location will get posted up. Usually meet either at Hooters by the airport or at Buffalo Wild Wings in Waterford Lakes.
if you've got any specific ?s about the 370z, don't hesitate to ask. 
Sounds good, will definitely keep an eye out, and start a new thread when I get my Z.
I do have one question. I have been reading through many threads, and have seen that the only difference between the 2011 and the 2012, is that the 2012 comes with an oil cooler. I know there is probably a thread on this subject, just haven't found anything to specific on it. Is an oil cooler needed, if so can't I just save a little and put an aftermarket oil cooler.