Originally Posted by Rooster89
I wouldn't go that far, but they can use more defensive pressure in the paint, Omar Asik is not cutting it for them right now.
But, its interesting how marketing tactics have given way to players not being able to be on the same team. Even more interesting that Derrick Rose and Dwight are both endorsed by Adidas. However, I doubt any other shoe brand is going to be as popular as the Jordans were when they came out. Matter fact they still are. Im sure you heard of the madness that went on for the new Jordans that came out. So even if DH and DR manage to sucessfully launch their sneaker brands, I doubt they would be as popular as the Jordan's have been.
But still sad to see that marketing sneakers has gained priority over player placement in the Nba. It is a bummer, Id like to see DH somewhere other than he is now, and Chicago wouldn't be a bad place to put him as they are lacking a sufficient big man.