Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
You've definitely got to find a happy medium based on who you are as a driver (and where you are in life)... some people could push a Z06 pretty hard on the street (probably a bit dangerous) while some might not even be able to push a Miata hard on the street... so what's right for one driver isn't always right for another.
It's down to personal preference. And I think I speak for most of the car guys here when I say it's almost impossible to truly be happy with any one car given how demanding we are about performance and also because we tend to be very curious about cars we haven't yet owned. We end up jumping around to a lot of different cars. We have fun with them and then move on to the next adventure. Some of us just do it more frequently than others. 
definitely. and if you drive the same car every day, you will make that jump faster because you will get sick of it faster. The parts you like about it for fun, (loud, stiff, fast) will start to bother you when you need it as your DD and it quickly turns into (noisy, uncomfortable, poor gas mileage).
that being said, i'd rather DD a fun car than a POS, if i could only have one.