Originally Posted by ZKindaGuy
Not belittling anyone...stating facts about women...her knowing nothing or little about cars has nothing to do with her thinking what you do with a car is a waste of money...its a socialization process they all go through or pick up because over the past 40 years media (TV, movies, women's magazines) have stuck it in their heads and continuously reinforced it over the last 40 years.
If you don't believe it then watch the TV advertisements and see how the man is always made to look like a stupid duffous azz-wipe not only next to the wife but the kids as well. Talk about changing the traditional patriarchal role the father of a family was meant to have.
In today's world the men are always asking permission from their wive to do anything including spending the money they themselves (the men) earned. That's a bunch of :BS:
Not in this home! 
I too have noticed this, you're spot on!