Originally Posted by Tward
No I was talking about the washers that people are going out and buying. Not the one that comes with the shift knob.
Here is the original post that Password JDM posted, FYI:
Originally Posted by PasswordJDM
One of our customers came up with a smart idea on how to to keep the shift boot up tight underneath the shift knob.
He used two o-rings and it works perfect. We tried it out and we agree. It's a good solution. If your shift boot is sagging a bit, we would be more than happy to mail you out of few of these o-rings, free of charge =)

I am providing as an example pictures posted earlier by our illustrious, Mr. Onzedge (I hope he does not mind):
Before extra O-rings (provided complimentary by Password JDM):
After extra O-rings:
Cool? Awwwright!