Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Your first mod should be an upgrade to the Sport package 19" Rays and tires. I'll just happen to have a set available after Christmas with less then 2,500 miles on the wheels, tires, and TPMS in mint condition.
Shameless plug over.
Again, congratulations on graduation and the graduation present.
Merry Christmas!
Rims will definitely be one of my first mods.
Originally Posted by edub370
nice sir!
first thing i can say is remove the stock cats. i think we can all agree that the stock cats really choke this car down. high flow cat or test pipe, coupled with a cat back will make that thing a whole lot meaner
What does that do to warranty? My mom made sure to tell me all about the extra money they spent on an extended warranty, so don't eff it up.
Originally Posted by Roadster4Us
Very nice! Are your parents looking to adopt? I am probably older then them, but let's not sweat the little details. 
you know your not the first to say that? but i'm sure they can't wait till they don't have to shell out to me anymore!
Originally Posted by awkwardturtle
Jesus, is this a common thing in Texas? I have a friend in college (in MN as well) who recently went back home to Texas where her parents had a brand new Mustang GT waiting for her. If you can't tell, I'm jealous 
well the common thing in texas is to get a mustang in general. Thats the end-all-be-all sports car. if its a mustang and its got a v8, its FAST! (stated in a very sarcastic southern accent)