Originally Posted by Zat_Zuma
Doesn't the meth/water injection interfere or cause damage to the stock MAF sensors? If anything they will be cleaner
How much are the IAT's being reduced with meth injection before the MAF and before the intercooler? Which leads into the next question: how much are you able to increase timing from the lowered IAT's?
Have you measured the effect of meth injection on the EGT temps and by how much they can be lowered?
Another great idea from GTM and clean install. When will the kit be availble from GTM?
Firstly, I'm not the tuner and don't have the logs in front of me to answer all of your questions regarding IAT's and degrees of timing added. Ultimately, the proof is in the pudding: 40whp gained as a result.
Considering that MAF sensor cleaners generally consist of VOC's that don't leave residue and methanol is a VOC that doesn't leave residue, you will not be damaging the MAF sensor and you can bet that it'll be clean. That said, if you notice the size of the nozzle before the MAF sensor, the volume of water/methanol being injected before the MAF sensor is very small...just enough to lower IAT's that the MAF sensor is reading.
Because EGT sensors are very slow to respond to changes in actual exhaust gas temperature, they are not a very effective way to judge how the engine is running. That's old school tuning technology.
The modern method of checking engine operating parameters is through the use of a wideband oxygen sensor. That's what's important. If you are running lean, EGT is the least of your concerns. Another thing to recognize is that EGT is affected by ignition timing
and AFR. As such, EGT does not give a clear picture of what is really going on.
Originally Posted by Zat_Zuma
I'm not sure what catagory your putting my questions into but I'm still waiting for answers to my questions  .
I see things with my GTM Stage 1 supercharger system that have me concerned. Between the cipher logs and the AFR, EGT, fuel pressure gauges I have questions that so far GTM wishes to dismiss and ignore on a regualr basis, in the forum. No PM's either.
Maybe there is something to my questions that GTM doesn't want the general public to have knowledge about?
In regards to your second post, clearly you have something else going on if you are talking about AFR and fuel pressure. What does that have to do with your other question about EGT's, IAT's and water/methanol injection? If you have a mechanical problem that needs to be fixed, and/or you need information relating specifically to such a problem, this isn't exactly the thread to do that in. As you can see, the answer to your question does not contain information to diagnose and/or solve your concern. Furthermore, I do not have any PM's or e-mails from you regarding your concerns. For you to imply that we have something to hide by not answering your question as it relates to the topic of this thread is confusing.