Originally Posted by Mike@GTM
I see that some of you guys are really confused on the relationship between power, torque, octane, boost, compression ratio, intake air temperature, barometric pressure, volumetric efficiency, air/fuel ratio, detonation, cylinder pressure and ignition timing. As you can see there are a lot of variables to take into account. A number of you get it and some of you look at one or two variables and jump to conclusions with expectations that don’t factor everything in. Then there’s another small minority that over analyze everything.
I'm not sure what catagory your putting my questions into but I'm still waiting for answers to my questions

I see things with my GTM Stage 1 supercharger system that have me concerned. Between the cipher logs and the AFR, EGT, fuel pressure gauges I have questions that so far GTM wishes to dismiss and ignore on a regualr basis, in the forum. No PM's either.
Maybe there is something to my questions that GTM doesn't want the general public to have knowledge about?