I just went through this when ordering my G few months ago.
At the time, 2012 invoice prices were just starting to circulate, and no incentives were available other than the low % financing.
After much deliberation, we negotiated my price to be exactly at invoice + ttl. When the car finally arrived, infiniti was offering $1500 dealer cash back (in addition to a $817 hold back according to truecar). During my original order, a line to the effect of "cust will receive all available customer incentives at time of delivery" was written and signed off by the salesmgr.
Few days prior to taking delivery, I spoke with my salesperson and mentioned this cashback incentive. Now, they could of been complete @ssholes and not apply any of it towards my purchase, instead, the salesmgr agreed to split it 50/50 (sort of). In the end, infiniti tacked on a $125 fee for "Warranty Supplemental Expense charge" onto the invoice (which they showed me). Not sure how legit it is, but either way, the price came out to be $470 less than what we originally agreed upon back when the order was placed.
Some things to be aware of; If they provide you with a signed sales order, do the math yourself to make sure the numbers add up correctly. That is, if you agree on a price + ttl, make sure that the final price is indeed agreed price + ttl. Tax, title & license does NOT include a doc charge. In my case, they snuck the doc fee in. It was printed on the sales order, but the final bottom line total did not reflect it. I didn't verify the math, so I assumed (!!!!!) it was included in the final price. At delivery, since they partially applied the dealer cash, it was difficult to argue the doc fee.
Also, if you do have them print language about including incentives/rebates, make absolutely sure to specify customer incentives as well as dealer incentives. Again, on my sales order they printed the verbiage from the paragraph above. In hindsight, I would of had them print something like "all cust incentives/rebates and at least 50% dealer incentives" (assuming they'd agree to that).
With the complex electronics in this car, I chose to have the peace of mind and got the extended warranty too. Prior to delivery, I had shopped around and found a few dealers selling them at $100 over cost. Discussed this with my sales person and told 'em if they match that I'll get it from them, otherwise I can just as easily get it elsewhere. The benefit of buying it at purchase time was that it was rolled into my financing (so yes, it's actually going to cost me more over the course of the loan, but I don't have to pay for it all at once upfront) - about $125 more over 6 years.
Finally, the best suggestion I can offer is this. Do your research, come up with a reasonable number that is good for you, and permits the dealer to make $500-1000 on the sale after their holdbacks and dealer cash type incentives (though keep in mind, they still make more $$ through other bonuses such as meeting certain quota, etc..), then start calling dealers, when the receptionist picks up, ask to speak with the sales manager directly. Tell him/her that you're ready to buy right now, this is what you want, this is your price+TTL. If they start haggling, provide them your name and number and tell them to call you back when they're ready to sell. Using this method puts you in control and the ball in their court. They have one opportunity to earn your business since they know they're not the only ones you're calling.
Good luck.
Edit: Also, if you want, negotiate any other free addons. I got them to include a synthetic oil change (also documented and signed by the salesmgr on the sales order). At delivery time, I chose to take the parts with me since I'll be doing my own oil changes. They were going to give me 6 qts of mobil1, instead I insisted on nissan ester oil.
Edit2: I notice the OP is also from chicago.... Stay as far away from star nissan as possible... Very slimy people there.
Last edited by Jsolo; 12-20-2011 at 11:48 PM.