Originally Posted by Cmike2780
I have and use both also. For the "average" user, the Mac is far simpler and more reliable and I def recommend it to most people. I'm just say'n it's far from flawless. I use Photoshop, Aperture on the Mac and can tell you it still crashes every now and then. Not that it crashes all the time or anything, just that its about the same with a PC running Windows 7. I'm not hear to stir up a Mac vs PC debate, I could care less about either one. I'll be keeping the PC because upgrading is far easier, has more upgrade options and far less expensive. I also need it for AutoCad and 3D Studio Max...and Yes I know its available on the Mac or via bootcamp. The ocassional gaming is better with the PC hands down. If money was no object, I wouldn't mind a maxed out MacPro, but alas I don't have that luxury. I think it's also fair to say you pay a premium for the Apple logo ...and this is from a guy with an iPhone, iPad, Macbook Pro & an iPod.
As far as that whole virus, spyware crap. You just gotta stop looking at pornz 
LOL bro, I deal with PS and Aperture fcking with me all day and I have 6GB of ram. Exactly what I was talking about as far as "overload" issues with Macs, if you're processing huge RAW image files with Aperture and you have PS open it eats up RAM like Godzilla eats people.