Originally Posted by HKYStormFront
ah, gotcha! post up a pic once you get the print done!
yea that's what i was referring to. in the future, when you've got a good shot in your eye. stop to look around and make there isn't anything avoidable that's distracting in front of, around or behind your subject. then take the picture and double check it in your display. i often get an idea for a shot and take it from 10 slightly different perspectives. one might be better than the others once i get it on my big monitor at home, if not i just choose the one i like the most and delete the others. it's just electrons, why not make sure to get the absolute best shot possible right? sometimes there are just things that are unavoidable. often times the cars that i shoot at the airport have things in the background like runway markers and various signs you see at airports. i use the clone tool in photoshop to get rid of them, this makes the image a lot less cluttered (even if it's in the out of focus area behind the vehicle) and keeps the viewer's eye on the topic. this wasn't aimed specifically at you or your picture, just a general statement for this thread 
Im open to any tips I can get. Editing those specs out should be easy enough, thanks for the advice. Its little stuff like that, that I dont pick up on all the time yet. I come from a drawing background, basically self taught as well. My mother was an amazing artist and my dad played with photography. Its all kinda in my blood I suppose. Ive strayed from drawing but still need to express myself artistically. Photography is the next step for me and Im loving it. I feel I can compose a shot very well and my camera skills are getting better. Its the finer details of photography that I need to polish now. Here is another I took today..