Originally Posted by semtex
Added two more to the collection yesterday. First I bought a Ruger LCP to be my dedicated car gun (i.e., this one will just stay in the center console):
I've also had my eye on this one for while (Kimber Ultra Covert II), so figured what the hell, not that I really need more 1911's in my collection.
It's been a productive weekend!
Btw, is anyone else frustrated by the lack of convenient space for storing a handgun in the 370Z? The center console in the 350Z was huge compared to the 370's. I could pretty much put whatever full-sized pistol I wanted in my 350. But the console is so tiny in the 370, that I find my options pretty limited. I could keep a larger gun in the glove box, but I don't want to have to reach over for it in the event of an emergency.
great! pretty cool pieces you've got there!