Originally Posted by Nate23
Thanks for posting your setup HankL. I recently bought a 370z and needed a set of winter wheels right away. Ended up going with the same setup you have, 18x8 F10 Sport Editions and same Blizzaks. Everything fit and looks pretty good for winter wheels!
Here's a couple pics if anyone else is curious or finds this thread later on researching like I did.
You'll love 'em. I'm on my third winter with the same setup. Of course, you'll probably get a lot more use out of them in Minnesota. We had around a ten inch snow last winter and I tried to get them to lose traction and they didn't really want to let go. Its real nice having that kind of sure-footing.
Word of warning to anyone with these wheels (and probably others). The little spring clips that hold in the hub rings like to come off when you're swapping tires. Mine actually came slightly loose when I put them on last winter. When I put my summer wheels back on, people kept telling me that my wheel was wobbling. I'd tighten the lugs down and still had people stopping me. I ended up pulling the wheel back off and found that the spring had actually gotten embedded (from torqueing the lugs) in the hub. Now I have a groove in my hub.