Originally Posted by DufDaddy
I already peeled the test patch off...hey even though it is my beater I didn't feel like answering "Why is there a big black square on your hood?"
Like Synack below I plan to do my wheels all black then gloss them. Originally I thought that I'd get em powdercoated but if this looks good I'll use the $300 I avoid spending on the PWDRCT and do something else to the ride. If I wasnt going away this weekend I would gloss my already dipped wheels for you to see.
My concern is that the gloss dries and remains tacky, but there are flaws with my experiment. For starters it is December here in PA and it isn't exactly warm. So it is very likely that the weather wasn't the best for application even though the can said nothing about NOT applying it in cold weather. Also, I only let it dry for 4 hours, the can says let dry 8 before using. If it did remain tacky it would be pretty much useless to us since it would gather road dust like crazy and dull up quickly.
More pics to come, probably
Probably better than using it in 100* weather like I did

So the glossifier says to let the plasti dip dry for 8 hrs before trying to use it?