Originally Posted by Lemers
So I've started to get really frustrated with MW3 lately. I'm not an expert gamer but a usually hold my own with a posative k/d ratio. Lately it seemed I couldn't do crap on MW3. Until my 12 yr was watching a game I was playing and hold told me that by watching the Killcam he could tell that a lot of people are using Modded controllers.
I've heard of modded chides and how Microsoft boots them off live, but modded controllers never.
So I watched video online and saw that they can shoot, reloaded faster, turn semi and burst rifles into full auto, jump/shoot and drop/shoot.
This is crazy and it seems that everyone has them and is taking the fun out of playing online.
This is true. I don't understand how people consistently kill me even though I get first trigger pull and have a larger weapon, shooting them in the head but I die.
But nothing pisses me off more than knifing. I NEVER win a knife battle. It's really frustrating because I "try" to be "good" at the game and have positive numbers. Of course then you get stuck on crappy teams so your w/l ratio goes down the toilet as well.
I'm not a rage quitter, but I do rage hardcore because of this. lol I may get beat, but I take the beating, I don't screw the other guys by dashboarding.