Originally Posted by Filipeanutz
DUI's just get me real heated.
Say 3 of your close friends died in a span of 4 years and all of it was because of some drunk douche nozzle that didnt wna leave his POS car in a bar parking lot. How would you feel?
You get what im sayin?
Good thing nobody else got hurt. Im not saying he deserved it, no doubt it sucks to have someone's life end like that. I just dont feel sorry him. I feel sorry for his friends and family that still loves him because I know how much that feeling sucks when you know youre never gonna see that person you care about anymore.
Dude, believe me, I've been though it, it freakin sucks, and it hurts to lose anyone you love, I lost a few friends on motorcycles, and I finally said I was done riding them this year after 5 years of riding, and havent looked back ever since.