I have CF wrap for my front emblem and SEIBON front lip. the CF wrap shrinks when it gets really cold.. . I think I'm gonna use gloss black for side skirts and rear to match the CF front lip (can't afford CF parts at the moment..). any news on gloss plasti dip? and do they have brilliant silver plasti dip?
Fast Intentions Twin Turbo Kit GT2860RS, 677WHP|FI 34 row oil cooler|F.I. CBE|Fast 500E return fuel system|FI trans cooler|FI billet aluminum flex plate|Excedy clutch packs|ENKEI RP03|BC BR coilovers|SEIBON Carbon|EVO-R Rear fog light|GTR push start|Whiteline sway bars, Diff bushing|DSS axles|ECUTekW/FlexFuelTune