Stillen HFC, Cobb AccessPORT
Please read thread entirely before posting.
I'm located in Virginia. As of right now everything is for sale locally, no shipping. Feel free to show interest for shipping, I will keep you in mind.
I have no itrader on this website. Feel free to look me up tribal_visionz. I have plenty of positive itrader rating over there.
Stillen High Flow Cats - #503436 - Sold!
Cobb AccessPORT - #AP-NIS-003 - excellent - UNMARRIED - $365
-I bought this online marked as "new". There are light scratches on the back modular along the edges, not noticeable. I have never attempted to install this on my car. Comes with everything you need. CD is scratch free, fresh manual, box is in great in shape!
Last edited by tribalvisionz; 12-19-2011 at 12:52 AM.
Reason: 1 sold item!