Originally Posted by sfearl1
 I know... something about teal minivans going 10 under the speed limit in the fast lane really gets my engine revving!
(I got a ticket for 4mph over btw  )
/\ that's nuts, 4 mph over, you should see about getting a lawyer to fight it if it's not too much $$
Originally Posted by Skeeterbop
wow that sucks.I found out that in texas 1-5mph over is $140, while 6-10mph over is only 10 bucks more (which is what i got). My question is why, if your going to speed, would you want to go 1-5mph over when the fee only increases 10 bucks from there for going 10 over? Not directed at you sfearl1, just wondering out loud.
/\ just more proof that if you are gonna do something, you always commit 100% and go all out.