Originally Posted by sfearl1
Is it fairly inexpensive and easy to access? Can you fix this in the parking lot outside of work if it ever seizes? Wouldn't be a bad part to keep in your glove compartment.
OR, just fix it with the updated unit as soon as you get it lol
the unit cost about $500. it would be a pretty clumsy repair to do in the field as you will need to remove the bottom cover under the steering column, most-likely remove the bottom bracket, remove 2 security bolts... but doable i thinks. since i know now that mine has the affected 'bad' revision lock im going to just replace it in my garage.
im going to be using different screws on mine though as i dont want to use the security bolts (need 2 sold separately) where the hex breaks off after it's torqued. be too much of a hassle to redo in the field if the new one fails.
Im going to keep a little kit in my Z with the 'old' lock as backup and some tools to use to do the work.
Originally Posted by pedZ
Thanks for explaining Kenchan.