Originally Posted by Red__Zed
Contrary to popularfanboy belief, a car doesn't have to be perfect to be worth owning. Every car makes compromises.
For instance, owning a mustang forces you to grow a mullet
LMFAO... there are things I don't like about the Z either or would like to improve.
1. A little more punch in initial torque
2. I think a car of this caliber with the oil heating issue is probably the stupidest and most senseless issue a car could have.
3. The stereos are a joke. Whether standard or optional.
4. Nissan sells these cars with a staff that can't point you in the right direction when there's an issue.
But some of imports past comments are so in-depth concerning his distaste for the Z's lack there-of. I just imagined him happier in a ZR1 or audi R8 upgrade vs a Z downgrade. But its no issue. Lol. Just an observation.
PS some people get "THE FANBOY" label when its not deserved. Some people are just realists. You spend a certain amount. You only get so much performance or features etc. At the price point we are paying the Z. I don't find a whole lot wrong with the car when I compare cars in the price range. Like I don't see anything wrong with camaro and mustang as far as performance delivery in the price range. I just outgrew muscle cars. My early life I owned 2. Been around and driven dozens. I just prefer imports overall. But my love and respect for muscle is more than prevalent. Its where my enthusiasm began like any other american.
I just feel what needs to be improved on the z are the obvious. I also feel that Z base prices are beginning to borderline ridiculousness. But I never pay MSRP. I paid what I thought a Z is worth.