Originally Posted by HKYStormFront
will, most of my friends that were gonna come to the party are not going to be able to make it so i think we are just gonna postpone the "official" shin dig. having said that, we'll be around all day saturday and if anyone wants to drop by and hang out you are all welcome to. adam, you should definitely run down and hang out for a bit if you can! we will still probably cookout on the grill for dinner it just won't be the big party we were hoping for. we're going to reschedule, talking about possibly a new years eve party or something if a lot of people would be able to make that. most people tend to have plans well in advance for those kinds of things. we'll figure it out tho, if not then we'll definitely do something in jan-feb. 
no biggie. Let's wait until they get the Auto-x stuff figured out. I'm definitely a no go for New Years. My son's 1 year birthday party is New Year's eve. I can't believe he is already a year old.