Thread: Spohn's Journal
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Old 12-05-2011, 09:23 PM   #287 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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SPOHN has a reputation beyond reputeSPOHN has a reputation beyond reputeSPOHN has a reputation beyond reputeSPOHN has a reputation beyond reputeSPOHN has a reputation beyond reputeSPOHN has a reputation beyond reputeSPOHN has a reputation beyond reputeSPOHN has a reputation beyond reputeSPOHN has a reputation beyond reputeSPOHN has a reputation beyond reputeSPOHN has a reputation beyond repute

For those of you that don't know last month I ended a nearly four year relationship with my GF. I grew apart and decided to leave. We were living together. Shared a laptop together and I guess my dunb a$$ should of transferred my pics to a hard drive. But I really never thought of it figuring without a doubt she would allow me my pics. But no! She went into my puotobucket account and deleted it all. And all the pics I had on the laptop (nearly 7000) she keepIng those also. Basically trying to hold them over my head in some wild plan to keep me. That's not happing. It's truly a sad thing for myself. Is really hurts me. Some of those pics were of my son. It's really out of character for her. But you know what they say about a scorn woman. Even now I can't believe she doing it. And I'm not going to ever talk to her again so it's a dead stick.
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