Very nice write up. I do have one problem though. Both my room mate and I put in toe bolts in the 370Z's. We went thru (4) 115 Dremel bits and more than an hour of labor here to cut these holes out on his car alone. There are 4 holes to cut. The two towards the rear were very easy and the two towards the front is where the drill bits wouldn't hold up.
So we had appointments for both our alignments in the morning I decided not to do my toe bolts that night. The Tire Kingdom was to do the alignments. I asked the kid to see if he could cut them out real quick and he did so I slipped him $40. This was the best investment I ever had. It would cost more to buy a Dremel and bits, plus the effort of actually doing it. It took the shop less than 5min with a diamond bit on an air tool.
2010 40th Anniversary 370Z