Originally Posted by dAvenue
That was a nice and well written story. Fun to read.
It's not just you. I've noticed the exact same thing, time and time again. It can be annoying sometimes.
Hahaha... its funny because I went to abilene 2 weeks ago. I took the altima though. I had some chump in a cadillac get uptight because I passed him I guess? I was cruising at around 82mph on the left lane of a two lane highway. He must have been doing 65 in a 70 on the right line. I'm guessing he felt his v8 seville should not have been shown out by a 2012 altima 2.5S. Not that anyone was showing out. I was cruising at 82 because I have a 5 hour drive from midland back to DFW tx.
So now he's taking off from the right he begins to cruise at 90mph. Just to see if his intention was to outrun me I decided to start accelerating enough to catch up. He takes off on me doing what I percieve to be about 100mph. I slow down and laugh and think "what a loser". LOL. The road is failrly empty except for me the caddy a tahoe and 2 18 wheelers and we are spread over a mile stretch. I see the caddy disappearing and I'm thinking, great opprortunity to bring my speed up to 85 and make good time going home.
Suddenly I begin to see the caddy again at about the half mile mark ahead of me. I guess he notices that I'm catching up. So he decides to take off again. My guess he slowed down to speed limit and when he saw me again he decided to take off. I never touched the accelerator. From the moment I saw him the car remained on cruise the whole time. So I'm guessing when he saw me he had been doing the speed limit again. His frustration of seeing my front grille in his mirror at a distance must have aggravated him????
At this point the Cadiloser decides he's going for the "GUSTO" and really show me who's the fastest on the block.
He takes off like a bat out of hell, my guess he floored the car to top speed in order to get really far ahead of me???? He literally disappears at about a mile away over the hill of the highway. I make it over the hill and about 1 mile away there's another hill and he's barely going over it. I'm like... WOW, he's really hitting moronic speeds for no reason. I'm not even interested in racing on roads. I'm just trying to make a long drive a lil shorter.
2 minutes later from my last sighting of his tail. My radar give the the triple-blip of Ka-band. I brake gently to about 75mph and get on the right lane. Then me and my wife look at each other and begin laughing. Lol. We read our facial expressions and both know at that moment cadiloser was going to be pulled over right ahead.
The Ka- began blipping again but now it was continuous and not momentary. My v995 is good. I pick up ka as far as 3 miles away and lower bands even farther if they are actual radars throughing the k and X signal. Many supermarkets throw out lower band signals but I have to be close to them.
Low and behold there he was on the side of the road. I slowed down to about 55mph threw on my hazard and went over to the left lane. As we passed Cadiloser me and my wife waved while laughing in the car. Its awesome when idiots are on the road for those long distance drives. They provide a great source of entertainment. The next 10 miles were pure speed traps so I brought my cruising speed down to 79mph and remained on the right. Cops don't usually pull you over unless you are doing 11miles over the speed limit or more. I guess cadilloser didn't know this? I go an extra 4mph from that because I have radar protection.
This was an awesome write up. It truly deserved its own thread on the forum.

I like the part about reminiscing on your dad. It was touching.