Thread: [For Sale] Berk Catback Exhaust
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Old 12-04-2011, 10:57 PM   #9 (permalink)
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007MI6 is a jewel in the rough007MI6 is a jewel in the rough007MI6 is a jewel in the rough007MI6 is a jewel in the rough
Angry Aaarrrrggghhhhh!!

So I spent all week setting up things to purchase this CBE, plus the HFC's he has for sale in another thread. I was already headed to his general area, to load up a U-Haul with the last of our stuff from the move, so I coordinated with OP to purchase these items.

I texted, Pm'd and spoke with OP, and had scheduled to meet up and deal Saturday morning. I: 1) Asked a favor of a friend in Waller to let us use his shop and tools, 2) Had him let me, my wife & 2 dogs stay the night there Friday night, 3) Burned 4 hours of PTO, 4) Bought extra tools, supplies and exhaust gasket material, 5) Put off renting my U-Haul until Sunday, 6) Spent a lot of time prepping for this.

OP completely blew me off. Quit returning my calls and texts Friday night and has yet to contact me. So in the end I am out a few hundred dollars, my whole weekend and a few favors, and the thought that I was going to have my exhaust......and I have NOTHING to show for it.

I just wanted to warn any other would be buyers. OP was Really flaky, and I got royally hosed. Plus now I don't have the exhaust I was planning to install.

:ADDED: Discussing with OP now. I may have been too rough in my response, but I felt wronged, and after a LONG weekend on the road I was upset.

2011 370Z Touring+Sport Coupe
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Last edited by 007MI6; 12-04-2011 at 11:57 PM. Reason: Wanted to clarify.
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