Take your car into a good reputable shop, tell them that you received x amount from the other parties insurance company. What will happen is the shop will break the car down fully and do a thorough inspection. If they believe there is additional damage that was not seen by the estimator, they will ask the insurance adjuster to come back out for a supplemental damage review, in which case the adjuster applies the additional amount needed for the repairs to the estimate. I just went through the same thing.
87' Honda Civic Hatchback: Kaput @ 288,000 miles, 90' Toyota Celica: Kaput @ 175,000 miles, 93' Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4: Kaput @ 138,000 miles, 06' Scion Tc: Traded in @ 64,000 miles, 10' Nissan 370z: Traded in @ 25,000 miles, 12' Subaru Impreza Sti: Current.