Wifey finished up her first of a two day track event at Daytona today.
Her inputs so far:
1. Fuel starve occured with 6 dots down from full (must fill the tank up after every session to prevent/delay this). I asked her to run a session w/o a full tank so we could find out when it occurs just since I was curious.
2. Running PS2 tires, vastly improved over the stock tires (which were on for the last 4 track days). towards the end of the fourth session, they did begin to get "greasy" but for 3 1/2 30min sessions they were good.
3. Brake fluid started to overheat toward the end of the 4th session (spongy pedal). Running motul rbf 600. Damn brakes on this car run so hot.
4. top speed on the front straight was 140mph. She said she's lifting and not going flat out since at around 140 on this track, the car starts to get "light". If she was to go flat out and have a perfect run, she/I recon top speed would be about 150mph.
5. She out drove a GT3 in the infield and after 3 laps he finally relented and let her pass him, then she put some distance on him and never saw him again that session.
6. Z06 blew it's motor on one session right in front of her and sprayed oil all over the front of the car, no one hurt or wrecked tho.
7. She's one of the slowest cars out there in her group, (mostly Z06s, GT3s, GT3rs, F430s, F430 scuderia, GT2s, etc) BUT in the infield, where driving skill and handling trump/equalize horsepower differences, she's kicking a$$.