Mocal does make a higher temp thermostat, but it is a remote mount style. This is a completely different setup when compared to the standard thermostatic sandwich plate that we currently use.
The current opening temp of the thermostatic sandwich plate we sell is 180* degrees F. This means, at 180* the bypass valve fully closes and directs 100% of the oil into the oil cooler core.
To build a custom Remote mount thermostatic sandwich plate with a higher temp. thermostat, it would increase the base kit price atelast $100 if not more. This is due to the fact that there would be double the total amount of fittings, 4 lines instead of 2, the requirement of a custom mounting bracket for the thermostat and a slight revision to the instruction manual.
I have had customer's express interest in the kit before, and would be willing develop it. We simply did not go this route due to to the added complexity and cost, which would have priced well out of the range of comparable kits. We wanted to make sure that we are competitive in every aspect....inlcuding price.
If you are a DIY type person, I can source the parts necessary to convert your existing -10 AN lines to accept the Remote Mount Thermostat. The catch will be the fact that you will need to cut your existing lines into two pieces, install new fittings and mount the thermostat. The sounds somewhat easy in writing, but assembling SS lines can be a pain in the neck!
Last edited by Dustin@Z1; 12-02-2011 at 09:43 AM.