Originally Posted by LEGA-Z
Ok... what about 16th-18th? Who's available? 
Originally Posted by LEGA-Z
Well you guys missed out on some fun!
10th was pretty good this week.. more sports cars than usual. Got to race against a couple cars too. Smoked a camaro  . Bumped in to a vette too, but we just played it cool  ... Saw a couple of 350's but no 370's. There were also quite a few bike cruisers...And yes a TON of mustangs..
P.S. I could use some back up next time.... I'm like the only imported car. 
sounds fun. its been a while since i actually "drive around/cruise" on a thursday, i typically just park now....i can't stand all of the dropped trucks and ricers driving around trying race through traffic etc
nice to hear you beat a camaro....i had a run with an '11 SS 6spd w/exhaust + a good driver. was a roll from about 45mph to 125mph...i got him in the beginning but as we got closer to triple digits he slowly reeled me back in and had me at the top by less than half a car.