Originally Posted by cv129
When you do, pls let me know!
Took my wife to test drive a regular 370, then she ended up drooling all over the nismo on the showroom floor and lost interest in the touring+sport that she just tested (she fixated on the nismo and smiled uncontrollably like she saw Brad Pitt). Ended up buying her a PW 09 nismo.
If there's a measurement called "attention/$", the nismo wins it hands down.
The best one I had was...a new black Camaro SS passed by on the fast lane, but the lil boy in the passenger seat climbed up, both palms on window, and couldn't stop staring at the Nismo as if he just saw Optimus Prime
Originally Posted by Cmike2780
If you were wearing the same outfit as in your album, I'm pretty sure they were just trying to catch up to you 
lol thanks guys. but def love my ride. I saved up for like a year to put down a massive down payment when I read it in an article late 2008. I always wanted a Z but when I saw it I fell in love. I went to the dealership in SD and they had a NISMO there $5000 off making room for a GTR Im like uhh I want it lol and bought it right then and there