Originally Posted by dAvenue
You won't be saying that when this country can finally become energy independent. When that era comes, gas prices will drop drastically. There are too many factors at play to know for all certainty that combustion engines are doomed.
Well, at present there isn't a snowball's chance in hell for domestic oil. So there's really no reason to think we'll be supplying our own oil anytime soon.
Keep in mind oil is priced in dollars, and the Federal Reserve really likes a weak dollar. So take away the demand situation and you've also got inflationary pressures. Gas is really going to run with the next round of quantitative easing.
Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
That goes right back to when I said, you can change all the vehicles out there but the sports car should maintain its tradition as a gas engine. I know the reality will be that my family sedan or hauler will be EV. But now we are talking sports cars. Its a niche market that can remain gasoline for way longer than all other transpportation markets.
Sports cars tend to be at the forefront of technology. I think it's more likely for sports cars to make the jump to EV (or other fuel) at the same time as, if not before, the average family car. I doubt they'd linger if the world was in the process of making the switch to EV just so they could carry on some tradition.