Here is a picture of mine installed. Just received dead pedal today. What I did for the installation of the dead pedal was the following:
Used a trim panel removal tool (Garden weeder works too) to remove the captive washers off the back of the original dead pedal.
Then, I cut a piece of plastic from the top of one of those storage containers to use as a backer. You know those storage cantain tops that we all use for storing our spare parts. I had a black one. I shot some staples through it in four locations and pressed it onto the strofoam platform that the carpet and dead pedal will rest on.
Lastly, after putting the carpet back I located the dead pedal where I wanted it and drilled one pilot hole and installed one screw in the lower portion of the pedal. Checked for squareness and then drilled the next hole on the top portion. Finally, I drilled and screwed in the center screw. I only see the need for three screws.
I checked the quality of the dead pedal installation by using it multiple times to readjust myself in the drivers seat. Works great no slip or shift. If I notice slipping or shifting I will just replace the short screws with longer 1" screw later. I'm sure that will give it even more stability. I like the installe this way because I can pull back the carpet later if I need to like the factory set up.
I guess I should have taken pictures of that process but, I was in a bit of a hurry to get the pedal on and to the doctors at the time. Only took the pictures below after I got back this afternoon.