Ladies and gentlemen, to the left sporting a silver paint coat freshly going through midlife crisis, Ccccccccccccccc6, to the right sporting yet another silver paint but slightly more advanced in midlife crisis Ccccccccccccc5 ... after the bout in the center of the octagon, you have the clear winner now sporting smoky black and silver paint Cccccccccc2.5
370Z NISM O #0462 | ClearBra | 3M tint | Head/Taillights | Dynamat | Black Roof | Tommy Kaira HB | CF Parts | Berk HFCs | FI SS | NST Pulleys | Takeda aFe | K&N | H&R Spacers | Swift Spec R | SPC F&R | Zuperman M370
Nismo Vid | Nismo Journal | Nismo Rumble