Originally Posted by birdmanx1
 in that case, one would need to see MC's pilot license before stepping in that ride. Nissan is seriously doing an overkill job with the GTRs. Porsche and the likes have already thrown the towel yet, the GTR keeps pushing the limits - the absolute car in my book.
agreed, nissan (mizuno in particular) have kept to the R35's philosophy of continualy improvements thruout the car's lifecycle, I think they have exceeded everyone's expectations of how the R35 would evolve. At this rate the final year (2016) or the GTR will see it with around 100hp more than it's innagural year, 2009 of "only" 480hp.
Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
We'll see what happens when the 991 Turbo S comes out 
competition improves the breed. I say, bring on that Nazi sled w/it's engine in the wrong place!