Originally Posted by 370Zsteve
Let's see...16 yrs old....has "earned $50K from playing golf at country clubs and investing in silver, gold, and palladium"...states he's being "frugal" with cash by purchasing a $35K car with intent to spend another $20K on mods....
Tell ya what. Post some links from the tournaments you've won. Surely there are some links online. Until then, I'll just sit here and laugh at other posters who actually believe you. 
I agree. A quick search shows that at the peak of silver prices (early this year at about $50/oz), he would have had to buy in a four month span at the end of 2008, or early 2006. Which would mean this kid was investing in precious metals at either 12 years old, or 10 years old. Unless all of his money went into a fund controlled by his parents, I'm calling shenanigans on a pre-teenage kid investing $30k in metals.