Originally Posted by gpolak
Is having the high beams on the trick to getting point bys from every one ahead of you? 
Ughhhhhh. So, my instructor said I shouldnt have been in Beginner (green group) in the first place, but Trackdaze put me there anyway (it was my 3rd full-weekend HPDE). I SHOULD have been put in Novice (Blue) at least. So, beginners tend to be...well, beginning, and they aren't always aware of people on their arse to point by. If the instructor is paying attention he'll tell him, but sometimes even they miss it. High beams (or headlights at least) are a great way to say, "hi, Im right on your arse". Faster cars will tend to do that often to get peoples attention...
*Edit* Psh, now that I see your avatar, you've done HPDE's, you know what its like lol.