Originally Posted by import111
Got to push the Z hard for lots of corners on a mountain road today for the 1 time ever. Overall I am very impressed. Was a very fun drive and the car did very well.
Oil temp got up to 260 and stayed there. Temp dropped from 85 to 67 from bottom of the mountain to the top and I was not able to push hard for long periods of time. Maybe 60 seconds of hard driving at a time before catching traffic, though I kept the rpms up above 4k most of the time. I was glad that I did not hit the limiter thing due to oil getting too hot.
The brakes were amazing. Better than my modded STi brakes were I think. ABS also seems to not kick in very hard even when making the tires squeal a little bit. When I put stickier 265's up front the braking will be even better yet.
The BC BR series coilovers worked very well also. They also help with the braking keeping brake dive in check. Body roll is reduced greatly over stock and the car just felt very easy to control in the corners.
I feel the car needs more power. Probably because I am use to 308wtrq that my old STi had, but I think another 50whp/wtrq would make this car such a great drivers car. I am hoping that HFC's and catback exhaust help out the power feel in the near future.
How hot was it outside when your oil went to 260F?
Makes me think the oil cooler, or a few, would be agood addition for people in warmer climates.