Thread: 370z brakes
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Old 11-21-2011, 08:44 AM   #1 (permalink)
Z eliminator
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Default 370z brakes

This morning i had a guy make a left hand turn in front of me at an inersection and he cut it really close as i almost hit him. I could not belive that the guy behind him followed him through the intersecton.
This is the first time i ever had to slam on the brakes.
I have the racing brake 2 piece rotors and there pad on the front and back
Well did the car ever stop quickly! I was surprised how fast it stopped and i was in perfect control (it stopped dead straight). I miissed him buy 5 ft.
I was going 50 km/hour when i hit the brakes.
And the ***** **** still made his turn.
Some people have no respect for the rules of the road or other peoples lifes.
My car would have been a right off as i wouild have t boned him in the paseneger side.
The 370 z stop increadalby well.

12.343 @114.14 . 4.5 stroker motor is now being built. Dec 1 2015.
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