Originally Posted by 007MI6
No experience with them on our cars, but I always ran them on my mustangs. I had zero issues with them, and the people who did had poor installations, and I always did mine myself. The only thing I never liked was the weak alternator output, and the problems caused thereby. But NST offers an overdrive pulley for the alternator, thus solving this drawback. They do add to the throttle response, and I am putting a set on my wish list. 
Thank you very much

Side note: No NST pulley has ever damaged any Nissan, Toyota, Scion, Honda, Lotus, BMW, VW, etc. engine. NST pulleys are hands down the best possible option when it comes to pulleys made in the U.S.A.
You don't have to take my word for it. You can read through the pages and thousands of positive reviews posted by your own forum members, and others.
Thanks again, good luck and have fun with all your projects!
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