Originally Posted by simota1
have a body shop wet sand it and then shoot clear coat on it... itll outlast majority of all the sealers ive tried
The heat and UV light deteriorates the plastic, turning it yellow. You have to remove the damaged surface before you can polish it out.
If you have ever tried to wet sand plastic, but it comes out hazy. If you clear a hazy piece of plastic, it's going to stay hazy... but really shiny.
If you want it to be CLEAR, you have to polish and buff it. Which means the paint or clear you shoot on it isn't going to stick, so your only real option is to buy new ones, or keep wet sanding and buffing them often.
Clear coating headlights doesn't work as well as you might think... I've been there.
A good polish and a restoration kit that protects the exposed plastic is the best way to go.