With my particular car, 5 grand just won't happen. That's like a greddy turbo kit. Those things SUCK - I would never run another greddy kit, no matter how good they are on other cars. Crappy quality, manifolds crack constantly, etc. My particular kit, with a tubular manifold, good injectors, quality piping, etc, is $7500. You can find a good kit used for 5k, but I don't do used when it comes to parts like this.
Trust me, I know

If I could've boosted my car for 5k and gotten the same results, I would have. It's just not feasible. The best you can do is piece together your own kit with some lower end parts and a nice garrett turbo and hit about 350-400 whp, but that's running a log mani, and that's a no-go for me.